Peter Idleman
Mequon, WI, US
2 Innings Pitching, Milwaukee ...
Age 17 -
5 Batters Faced, BUSS Notre Da...
Age 17 -
Bullpen, Exact Sports Showcase...
Age 17 -
Stand-Up Double to LF Fence, J...
Age 17 -
1 of 2 Scoreless Relief Inning...
Age 17 -
3 In-Game Pitches, Frame-by-Fr...
Age 17 -
Pitching, 2 Innings, Apr. 27, ...
Age 17 -
Pitching, PBR Showcase, Mar. 5...
Age 17 -
12 Clips from 70-80% Bullpen, ...
Age 17 -
Pitching, Joliet IL, July 22, ...
Age 16 -
Pitching, Joliet IL, July 21, ...
Age 16 -
Pitching, PBR Showcase, June 2...
Age 16
Thank you for viewing my profile. I’m a 2024 RHP at a top-ranked Wisconsin school looking to play college baseball. I play varsity baseball in spring, travel ball in summer, and varsity football in fall (DB/RB).
My ideal college would be in a rural area or small city, have ample outdoor recreation, have a smaller classroom learning environment, and emphasize character development and traditional education. I have an unweighted GPA of 3.0 and would like to pursue mechanical or civil engineering, though a general engineering or pre-engineering program would also be great.
Currently, my FB sits 80-82, T83, up from last summer (74-76, T78). I also have a CH (70) and CH (66). I attend the University School of Milwaukee (Coach David Casey, 414-828-4777, and my travel team is Milwaukee Baseball Academy U17 (Coach Tony Brandner, 262-365-8214,
I’m a hard-working, coachable, and highly competitive athlete who will give 110% percent to your program. I can be reached at or by Twitter DM (@PeterIdleman). Additional data, videos, and game/event schedules can be found at:
Summer 2023 Travel Schedule (scroll to Events)